Indian Slide Guitars
22 string quality controlled and tested Hindustani slide guitars
The Indian Slide Guitar is a unique instrument combination of the Sitar and the Hawaiian slide guitar which has evolved and developed through the Indian Classical system to beome what it is today. It is equipped with a range of different gauged strings that make up different styles of playing and also the 12 / 13 sympathetic strings which act like resonators to the main scales or modes during realtime playing.
More info in my video lesson page :

Our Story
The Indian Slide Guitar has been one of my main instruments of musical expression for nearly 15 years and I still feel a student to its extraordinary capabilities ! Compared to conventional guitar it is relatively easy in the beginning as opposed to learning chord progressions etc but over time you begin to understand that landing on perfect pitch and the grace on which one glides to arrive their makes all the difference and this cannot be learned without time, patience and usually a teacher!
Each slide guitar is also unique and follows two main styles of playing based on the Indian Classical method, falling under the Mohan Vina or the Chatarangui style.
In the above image of the three instruments the middle is a Mohan Veena and the left are the Chatarangui models.
Watch the Video Lessons for more a breakdown of differences.
$2.200 - $5.400

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