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Shivam Rath
Performer & Producer 

Blending Ancient Arts
With Modern Tools 

Riding the Waves of Sound
 With a Crystal ball

For More Information on Shivam's Biography
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@ Current

2023 Mantra Hop & L ive Music Tour & Concerts 


2023 Mobile Music Studio Production



Be inspired by the new fully innovative idea and vision of Shivam Rath's latest studio creation built entirely himself.  

Now Open for enquiries of musical interest and offers of hire or purchase. 

The project embodies the spirit of mobility, creativity, and innovation and showcases a fully fledged mobile home-style studio that is professionally set up with acoustic treatment and soundproofing for all recording and studio mixing needs. Soon to be fully solar-powered and operational in remote locations, and built with an environmentally-friendly design that is small, compact, cozy, and elegant.

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Upcoming Events : 

Indian Classical Music Legacy 

Byron Bay 


Early Bird Tickets online now !

@ Byron Bay

To Contact Shivam Please scroll to the bottom of the page 

& / Or 

Follow on : 

Facebook: ShivamRathCrystalSlide

Instagram: crystal_slide_shivam


Spotify : Shivam Rath / Micotsuki Shivamoon

~ Our Journey ~

~ Interested in staying connected, online collaboration, musical ideas and new creations fresh out of the oven?

Perhaps interested in following and sharing this journey a little more intimately with myself and happy to take an active part to encourage it?

If So :

Then please check out my BandCamp OUR JOURNEY

Music downloads and live videos sharing my latest projects, ideas and collaborations


And become apart of

Our Journey



What Drives My Music ?
'When I am in the flow there is a sense of effortless harmony and upmost contentment which takes place & then naturally the music is that same feeling and thus the gift I have to share with others'.
Studying Indian Raga and Music has only enhanced this feeling and knowledge of connecting to the flow.
Shivam Rath ~ Jan/2019

Raga Pooriya Kalyan with Shivam Rath & Maharshi Raval
Shivam Rath

Raga Pooriya Kalyan with Shivam Rath & Maharshi Raval

A Search for Sacred Sound


What makes music sacred? What is Spirituality ?

To simplify these concepts firstly; despite being into Yoga, Mantra & Hindu/ Vedic culture I do not hold onto any particular religious belief. Though I do believe that the meaning of Spirituality is discovery while Religion is belief itself.

  Why do I use a crystal ball?

I have been criticized for this as a means of being too 'spiritually inclined' by my teacher (Debashish Battacharia and other musical buddies ).

However the decision was a natural choice which came from observing other Indian instruments using similar stones including the ancient Vichitra Veena. Since I have been pursuing an ancient system of classical music the adopted use of a Himalayan crystal opposed to the typical steel bar, came about due mostly to touch and tonal qualities. After I lost my customary steel bar in Dharamsala India in 2013 I decided it was time to test the Crystal and since then it stuck. 

This possibly adds to the 'notion' of sacred sound but actually they both sound sweet. What I believe to be the essence of sacred sound is the force behind the music; the connectivity of the musician to the nature; a life of living music, which is the essence of Indian Raga and why its such a humbling practice.

So yes tonal quality and sustain, feel of dynamics etc all differ with a crystal ball to a steel bar which is quicker and sharper in precision, but ultimately its always up to the hand of the player! Technique is important but the emotive and inherent feel or vibe of a player can play an even great part.
Science is now proving the benefits of Music on the physical plane, neurologically and emotionally. Because music is an active energy following energy in motion - E.motion; it is thus a direct way to balance and harmonise the emotional energies with the physical plane ~ like a harmony between head and heart. If we consider it to be something sacred on a level of total respect and reverence then music too would become a spiritual path.

A great quote from the movie 'copying Beethoven'

Ludwig van Beethoven: 'The vibrations on the air are the breath of God speaking to man's soul. Music is the language of God'

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Albums & collaborations

Feat Grand Master Shakuhachi Player Riley Lee and Maharshi Raval on Tabla 

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